By Lisa Carroll
Wednesday, October 3, 2012.
One of the main reasons people say they cannot fit
in exercise is that they simply do not have time. This is a common complaint
and not an excuse to be sniffed at. It is normal for working mumsā and dadsā to
only get time to themselves late in the evening, and it would take an awful lot
of motivation to head out exercising when you just want to sit and relax. After
a long day at work or minding your children, most adults want to sit down in
front of the tv and unwind. Well, what would you say if I told you that you can
do this, and also fit in some exercise?
We all seem to forget that there is an
ad break of at least 3 minutes every 15-30 minutes when we are watching normal
TV. This is the perfect opportunity to fit in a mini workout. On average,
adults watch 4-5 hours of television a day, mostly in the evening. Whether you
watch more or less than this, you could be racking up at least 1 hour of
exercise while the ads are on. These three minute intervals make reaching
government recommendations for exercise much easier than heading to the gym for
an hour. It is recommended that adults amass 30 minutes of moderate intensity
exercise most days of the week, so if you can get moving during the ad breaks
you can easily meet those recommendations. Just think, you can meet or even
surpass the recommendations easily while sitting in front of the television.
There are plenty of exercises that you
can do during the ad breaks according to your own exercise goals and
preferences. I have compiled a list of 10 quick and easy exercises but you can
add in your own according to your own ability and preferences. I would
recommend to do either one or two of the exercises at each ad break, so that
gives you either 1.5 or 3 minutes per exercise. This is a great way to build up
a little circuit that you can complete each night. If youāre feeling energetic
, thereās nothing to stop you continuing your workout when your programme comes
back on. I actually find it easier to continue when I have the distraction of
the soaps.
You can use your own weights or any
household objects e.g. tins of beans or large bottles of water as these can
work for weight exercises. You could put down a mat or rug onto the floor for
your tummy exercises so that you make sure not to injure your back. As always,
you should check with your doctor before embarking on a new fitness routine if
you have any health concerns. Hopefully within the 10 exercises listed here you
will find at least 5 that you are able to complete.
5 minute ad break workout:
Jumping Jacks
Possibly not for those who live above
others in an apartment complex.
Bicep curls
Holding a weight in your hand and
slowly curling your forearm towards your shoulder.
Tricep dips
Plant your hands firmly on a chair
behind you, about shoulder width apart, and slowly lower your body down to the
floor. You can bend your knees to make this easier.
Oblique sit ups
Sit with your back flat to the floor
with your hands at your temples, raise your knees up off the ground. Perform
the exercise by bringing your opposite elbow to your opposite knee in a lateral
Sit ups
Sit with your back flat to the floor
and your knees upright with feet flat on the floor. Slowly bring your torso
towards your knees, tensing your stomach muscles.
Place your hands on your hips and make
an exaggerated but controlled step forward on one leg. Return to start position
and repeat with the other leg.
Push ups
Lie flat on your stomach and place your
hands flat on the floor, about shoulder width apart. Raise yourself up so that
your elbows are at right angles and then lower yourself back down. You can do
this with your knees bent to make it easier.
Kettle bells
If you have a kettlebell you can work
through your recommended exercises.
Stand with your feet shoulder width
apart and hold both arms out straight in front of you. Lower your body down (as
if about to sit into a chair) until you feel your stomach muscles tighten, and
hold this for 5 seconds. Repeat.
Back extension
Lie flat on the floor with your ankles
together. With your hands at your temples and arms out straight, raise your
torso up a few inches. You will feel your back and stomach muscles tightening
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