Poetry by Deji Adesoye

January 13, 2024
3 mins read

Two Poems By Deji AdesoyeFriday, August 18, 2019.Everywhere within Your Uterus My selfishness towers above all edges, like Mapo HallMy songs and lore dance round me and myselfI walk before the mirror in one narcissist actImagine what I see? The body of me isLike a roe inside a fishI look more closely it turns like a tadpoleIn the living freshness of April streamI became a laboratory and the scientist at onceAh, my body is a natal organism everywhereWithin your uterusWherever you carry your body, there too I goWherever your spirit leads, right away I followYou break your body into fragments of stressI chew the bread of love with umbilical touchYou brew your blood into tonics of affectionI sip life through the straw of your veinAnd right where you hatch me I fall into your palmsWhen I stood to walk, I walk in your handI grew and stroll with the moon, in your sideYou’re not at the table, jaws boycott their actThe breeze rash when you’re not on the matWho says this ‘self’ isn’t bigger than myselfBaby the self is fuller than the song of myselfIt is a tiny nut within your mammoth shell. The Tortoise is the Shell The tortoise is a living nut within its shellThe tortoise is the nut the tortoise is the shellThe tortoise is the sum of its flesh and shell The engineer draws the lockdownHe removes his metal hatAnd the cyclist completes his tripAnd flings his crash helmet The snail does not learn to use its shellThe snail does not cope with its shellThe snail does not sweat under its shell The shell is a hindrance to the value of the walnutBut the elegance of the tortoise is his crackled shellThe beauty of the snail is her deep loam bungalow You are my shell, Seun, I am your shellI am tortoise, I am the snailI am the equation of flesh and shellI am shell, you are fleshI am the equation of you and me Deji Adesoye is a Nigerian philosopher, writer and poet. His works have appeared on Bravearts Africa, Kalahari Review, BrittlePaper.com, Ijagun Poetry Journal, the Ann Arbor Review etc. He is the author of Anony Mous, a poetry ebook. Many of his works are also featured on his blogsite www.dejidesoyemi.wordpess.com

Poetry by Deji Adesoye

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