Life and Business Hacks for the International Jet Setter

January 13, 2024
6 mins read

Life and Business Hacks for the International Jet SetterBy Business DeskWednesday, June 17, 2020.If you travel frequently abroad, whether you travel for business or just enjoy a jet setting lifestyle, you want your trips to go as smoothly as possible. Nobody wants to waste endless time exchanging currency, or trying to book a hotel or car in another country. It’s one thing when you’ve got all the time in the world, but for those who are in a hurry, a little prepwork is necessary. You’ve got business and pleasure to attend to, after all!     For those who travel quite frequently, there are a few things you can do to facilitate ease of travel and make life all around easier when you’re abroad. Here’s a few of our favorite “life hacks” for the frequent traveler: Global Entry/TSA Pre-Checks and MoreEach airline is different within their own respective countries, but most honor the “Global Entry”; a service you can apply for that allows you to travel through customs and often, TSA checkpoints, with ease. These are a huge timesaver for those who are frequent travelers and see a lot of airports. Don’t worry about waiting in those long lines or having to stop for checkpoint after checkpoint. Euro AccountsFor business people and those who travel a lot within Europe, you may have grown tired of constantly having to exchange money to have disposable cash, or you’re sick of having to check the exchange rate every five minutes. Taking the time to open a Euro account can save you so much time and money, avoiding the hassle of having to worry about exchange rates and scramble to find currency converters or money changers when you’re on the go. Having an account already set up and easily accessible across Europe (as well as when you’re back home) will make your life so much easier. There are many banks abroad that offer Euro accounts; do some research to find the Best Euro bank account for you. RentalsIf you travel to a specific place often, you are probably tired of having to constantly book a room at local hotels. When sitting down to crunch the numbers, you may find that it’s actually cheaper to just rent an apartment or flat in the area, or arrange for a semi-permanent stay with a local Airbnb. Foregoing hotels will save you money as well as give you the privacy and solitude that you need when you’re abroad. Often, these work out much cheaper than booking a room, especially when you factor in last minute prices. Awards/Rewards ProgramsFor those who still must stay at hotels, and do a lot of traveling both via plane and by car, it really pays off to sign up for various awards programs and rewards incentives. Most hotels, airlines and other hospitality industry businesses offer these rewards programs, many of which offer more than just “miles” (you should definitely be keeping track of your miles – they can save you so much money). Many offer discounts on certain fares, free upgrades for better lodging and travel accommodations, extra perks and even seasonal and clearance fares and “preferred customer” pricing. Take the time to sign up for those programs, download the apps and get started tracking your points; it can really pay off in the end. When it comes to bookings, most travelers swear by apps rather than booking on a computer or over the phone. Often the best rates on lodging and the best discounted flights are available via app, and they’re so easy and convenient to book. Staying OrganizedWhen you travel all the time, especially if you often have to leave at a moment’s notice, it can be hard to keep organized and have a coherent itinerary. When traveling, especially abroad, you need to have some type of itinerary, if nothing else, to keep up with all your various meetings, plans and so on. It’s always a good rule of thumb to leave a copy with a loved one back home, too, in case of emergency. But who has time to sit down and write out a detailed travel plan? Luckily, there are several apps these days that will help you plan and track your itinerary right from your own smart phone. It’s as easy as editing a “note” on your phone, and voila, your itinerary is complete. These are very practical and convenient ways to keep track of all your plans, including flights and car rentals, meetings and appointments, lodging, and so much more, all in one place, right in your phone. One favorite among frequent travelers is the app/site TripIt. Ship Bulky Items AheadIf you travel to one location frequently and stay there often, don’t weigh yourself down (or pay extra) for bulky and heavy carry-on items. Ship them ahead of time with an economic shipping service. It’ll save you a lot of money, time and inconvenience if you take the time to ship things ahead of your trip, especially if you have a lot of items you need to bring along. Avoiding carry-ons and tons of luggage is a must for any frequent traveler who doesn’t want to get stuck in baggage claim every two days waiting for all of their items…and who doesn’t like to be weighed down by heavy luggage as they’re trying to dash to their Uber. Keeping Important DocumentsIf you’re constantly abroad, you need to have backups for all of your important documents in case of emergency. Make copies of all of your important documents and cards, including your passport and other identification cards, bank cards, business IDs, as well as your trip-specific info such as your flight numbers/tickets, hotel rooms, and so on. Keep these items in a safe place at all times (you definitely don’t want them stolen) or send them back home to a loved one in case of emergency. As with everything these days, apps exist for this purpose, so you can easily scan in these documents and have copies of them right on your phone for easy access and security. Hire an AssistantIf business brings you to a certain location often, it may be a good idea to hire an assistant for the times that you’re abroad, to help you with various tasks around the area. Hiring a driver or personal assistant to help with errands and data entry doesn’t cost as much as you’d think and they can be a lifesaver when you’re trying to complete business quickly before flying home. Go off the Beaten PathFor those of us lucky enough to travel often, whether it’s for business or enjoyment, it’s always a wonderful idea to immerse yourself in local culture and really get a feel for the places you’re visiting. If you have the time and the money to really dive into local culture, you should. It’s such an enriching and educational experience to see a new place for what it really is – beyond just the tourist spots and places everyone goes, but rather the off-the-beaten-path places that only the locals usually know about. If you have the time, exploring the roads less taken in a new place can really change your life. In a good way!    These are just a few tips for how to make the most out of your frequent travel, whether you do so for business or for the pure enjoyment of getting out into the world. There are ways to make your travel go smoother and easier, save you money, and ensure that you enjoy every minute of your trip. Photo: © Shola Adenekan

Life and Business Hacks for the International Jet Setter

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