Exercise For Busy Folks

January 13, 2024
4 mins read

The ‘Anywhere’ Workout
Tuesday, June 26, 2007.
By Raphael Calzadilla
No time to get to the gym because your job keeps you hopping? No problem, I’ve designed an exercise program you can do at work or anywhere, for that matter.
Don’t worry – no two-hour-long workouts! I’m providing 10 easy-to-perform movements that will get your muscles tighter, keep your mobility intact and preserve your flexibility.
I’ve also tried to give you the least conspicuous exercises. Let’s face it: We don’t want to look like we’re having spasms or like we just guzzled 15 cups of coffee while the boss walks by.
A sensible and realistic is the answer.
If possible, try to do these exercises in succession. If you’re unable to do that, perform two to three exercises in a row and then continue the program when time permits.
Ideally, I recommend doing the exercises twice per day while at work. However, it’s designed for you to use whenever possible.
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Wrist Extensor Stretch (great for those who sit at a keyboard)
Starting Position:• Place both arms in front of you. Hold your right hand out with your palm facing up. Grab your right hand with your left hand.
Movement:• Slowly bend the right hand, palm up, toward the floor until you feel a stretch in the right forearm.• Hold for 30 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.• Repeat several times and perform on the opposite side.
Triceps Stretch (for the back of the arms)
Starting Position:• Place your right hand behind your right shoulder so that your elbow is pointing toward the ceiling.• Take your left hand and place it on your right elbow.
Movement:• Gently press the right elbow toward your head with your left hand until you feel a stretch in the left triceps muscles.• Hold for 30 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.• Repeat several times and then switch sides.
Sitting Forward Bend (lower body stretch)
Starting Position:• Sit with your legs extended out in front of you with your feet together.
Movement:• With a long spine, tilt your upper body forward until you feel a mild stretch in the hamstrings muscles and lower back keeping a slight bend in your knees during the entire motion.• Hold this position for 30 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.• Repeat several times.
Abdominal Vacuum
Starting Position:• Sit tall in your chair, or you can even do this one standing.
Movement:• Start by exhaling absolutely every bit of air from your lungs.• Pull the navel towards the spine as if I just told you to suck in your stomach. Continue to breathe lightly through your nostrils, but make sure you’re pulling your navel in as tight as possible.• You must hold the contraction very tight for at least 40 seconds.• Benefit: In time, you’ll notice the abdominal area pulled in flatter. This exercise provides benefit with no crunches or repetitious movement.
Arm Circles
Starting Position:• Stand or sit with feet shoulder-width apart with a slight bend in the elbows.• Extend your arms out at your sides with a slight bend in your elbows.
Movement:• Contracting the shoulder muscles, form forward circles with your arms.• When you have finished the set moving forward, repeat going backward.
Seated Office Chair Leg Extension
Starting Position:• Sit on your office chair with your feet on the floor spaced 12 inches apart.
Movement:• Contracting the quadriceps muscles, extend the lower leg until it is straight with a slight bend in the knee. The toes should be pointed up.• Slowly return to the starting position.• After completing the set on one side, repeat on the other.
Key Points:• Exhale while lifting the leg.• Inhale while returning to the starting position
Water Bottle Alternating Front Shoulder Raise
Starting Position:• Stand or sit straight with your knees slightly bent and feet shoulder width apart.• Hold a water bottle in your right hand with your arm in front of you and your palms lightly resting on your thighs.
Movement:• Contracting the front shoulder muscles, lift your right arm in front of you until it is slightly above shoulder height.• Slowly return the right arm to the starting position stopping just short of the weight touching your legs.• Raise and lower your left arm in the same manner.• After completing 12 reps on the right side, switch to the left.
Water Bottle Biceps Curl
Starting Position:• Sit upright in a chair with your legs bent, feet forward and your head a natural extension of your spine.• Hold a water bottle in your right hand with the arms hanging down at your sides and palms facing your body.• Keep your wrists straight throughout the exercise.
Movement:• Contracting the biceps muscles, bend your right arm at the elbow while turning your wrist until your palm is just short of touching your shoulder.• Slowly return to the starting position stopping just short of the elbow fully extending.• After 8 – 12 repetitions, repeat on the other side.
Key Points:• The upper arm should remain stationary throughout the exercise
One Arm Triceps Kickback
Starting Position:• In a seated position while bending forward very slightly.• Hold a water bottle in your right hand or just make a fist. Bend the elbow at a 90 degree angle pointing behind you with the upper arm not quite parallel to the floor.
Movement:• Contracting your triceps muscles, move your lower arm back until the bottle or fist is pointing away from your body to the rear of the room.• Slowly return to the starting position.• After completing the set on the right side, repeat on the left side.
Key Point:• Your upper arm should remain stationary throughout the exercise
Standing Calf Raise (at the water cooler)
Starting Position:• Stand with your feet 12 inches apart with your weight on the front or balls of the foot and knees slightly bent.• You may wish to use the wall for stability.
Movement:• Contracting the calf muscles, lift your heels off the floor until you feel a full contraction of the calf muscles.• Slowly return to the starting position, stopping just short of your heels touching the floor.
Editor’s Note: Please check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.
With thanks to Tescodiets.
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