Top Ten Superfoods that won’t Break Your Budget

January 13, 2024
6 mins read

By Jennifer
Roche | with thanks to

Saturday, February 28, 2015.

Most of us think ‘superfoods’ are expensive and
exotic products that we can only get from specialist shops. While this may be
true of some items (spirulina, anyone?), it may interest you to know that many
items on the superfood list are available in your local supermarket at a very
reasonable price. Let’s take a look at the top 10 superfoods that won’t hurt
your pocket.

What are superfoods anyway?

Superfoods have been defined
as “a nutrient-rich food considered especially beneficial for health and
well-being.” By that token, most healthy foods would qualify as superfoods but
the name ‘superfood’ is often attached to foods that are especially rich in
nutrients. While the likes of acai berries, goji berries, chia seeds and the
like are still expensive, there are plenty of budget-friendly superfoods for
you in your local supermarket. You can add these to your weekly shop for little
extra cost. Check out the superfood list below and try the suggested recipes.

Lentils: Lentils are a rich source of protein and B
vitamins. They are also high in fibre and are a low Gi food, meaning they are
helpful in regulating appetite and blood sugar. Lentils can be added to a wide
range of dishes and are a cheap and versatile food.


Try this recipe: Vegetable and lentil
dahl with cashew nuts

Almonds: Almonds, along with other nuts and seeds, are
packed with protein and are easy to eat on the go. Check out the baking
ingredients aisle in your local supermarket where you can find these guys.
Almonds are also high in monounsaturated fats, making them a heart-healthy food
and just a few of these can go a long way, making them one of the best
superfoods for snacking on. For more information on nuts and seeds, see this
article: Handy superfoods – 10
nuts and seeds for better health.


Try this recipe: Toasted almond and
pistachio couscous with grilled vegetables.

Avocados: These may be high in fats, but it’s worth
noting that those are ‘good’ monounsaturated fats, making them an excellent
heart-healthy choice. Avocados rival bananas in the potassium stakes, meaning
they will keep your energy levels up long after you have eaten. Avocados are
also rich in vitamin E, which is beneficial to your skin. So if you end up with
an overripe avocado, don’t bin it, slather it on your skin for a low-cost facial
treatment! Read more on the benefits of avocados here: Top 5 health benefits of


Try this recipe: Avocado and pumpkin
seed salad with wholegrain crackers.

Kale: Kale is one of the nutritional heavy-hitters in
our top 10 superfoods list. Along with its cousins broccoli, spinach, cabbage
and cauliflower, kale is rich in iron, anti-oxidants and a host of vitamins and
minerals. The good news is that it’s also an affordable superfood. Learn more
about kale and its benefits in this article: 7 green leafy vegetables
and their health benefits.


Try adding kale to this
recipe: Linguine with bacon and
steamed green vegetables.

Oats: Porridge oats are highly recommended as the
basis for a healthy breakfast because they are low in calories, high in
protein, fibre, and are gluten-free. Oats contain complex carbohydrates, which
are broken down slowly over time so you are less likely to get hunger pangs if
you eat them for breakfast. Porridge oats are a low Gi food, which is helpful
in regulating blood sugar. They also contain beta-glucan, a fibre that helps in
lowering cholesterol. Porridge oats are easily affordable and a small measure,
teamed with milk and your fruit of choice, goes a long way.


Try this recipe: Banana, strawberries
and almond porridge with cocoa.

Tomatoes: Loaded with lycopene, an anti-oxidant that
protects the body from cell damage and ageing. Tomatoes contain a host of
benefits and are a must for your shopping basket. The fact that they are inexpensive
and available all year round makes them an even more attractive item to add to
your list of superfoods. For more on tomatoes, check out this article: Top ten health benefits
of tomatoes.


Try this recipe: Aubergine and tomato

Berries: Everyone knows that blueberries are one of the
top 10 superfoods but that doesn’t mean that other berries should be ignored.
Strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, cherries and gooseberries are all just
as worthy to grace your plate too. These little fruits are packed with
anti-oxidants and vitamins. To get the most bang for your buck, buy them in
season when they are more affordable. Get the juice on berries in this article:
Summer super-fruits.


Try this recipe: French toast with
raspberries and greek yoghurt.

Sardines: Oily fish are where it’s at for heart-healthy
fats. While salmon tends to get all the limelight in this area, the humble
sardine is a more affordable alternative. These tasty little tiddlers contain
more Omega 3 per serving than its bigger (and pricier) cousin, the salmon.
They’re also packed with Vitamin D, are more sustainable and budget friendly.
Try them with crackers, toast or salad for a deliciously light, healthy meal.
For more on fish, read this article: It’s hard to go wrong
with fish!


Swap salmon for sardines in
this recipe: Savoury salmon pasta

Eggs: In decades past, eggs suffered a great
injustice, being labelled as unhealthy. Modern research reveals that, far from
contributing to ill-health, eggs are relatively low in calories but high in
protein as well as containing important vitamins and minerals. As the saying
goes ‘an egg a day is ok’, so go ahead and add these to your superfood shopping
list. Read more about eggs here: Eggs – good or bad?.


Try this recipe: Beetroot and egg salad
with ciabatta.

Potato: Once only found in specialist
ethnic shops, sweet potatoes are now commonplace in the fruit and veg section
of your supermarket. This exotic cousin of the British spud is high in
beta-carotene, a cancer-combating anti-oxidant. It’s also rich in Vitamins A,
B6, C and D, as well as minerals iron, magnesium and potassium. Sweet potatoes
are much larger in size than white potatoes, meaning one or two can go a long
way at a family dinner. To find out more about sweet potatoes, check out this
article: Fall in love with the
benefits of sweet potatoes.


Try this recipe: Bacon and bean stuffed
sweet potatoes.

So there you have it. 10
everyday foods that won’t break the bank, proving that enjoying superfoods and
eating healthy doesn’t have to be an expensive business. Bon appetit!


Top Ten Superfoods that won’t Break Your Budget

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