Care Homes Are Failing – Who Should Look After Your Loved Ones?

January 13, 2024
3 mins read

Care Homes Are Failing – Who Should Look After Your Loved Ones?By Features DeskWednesday, October 5, 2016.Many people need to find care for their elderly relatives. As individuals get older, living independently becomes harder. Health problems can develop, and extra support is often required. Special care is necessary for seniors who have ailments such as dementia or Parkinson’s disease.Nursing homes or residential care homes have, for a long time, been a popular option for seniors needing care. Families often pay to put their loved ones in a care home to get them the daily support they need. But is it a safe option? According to many news reports, apparently not.The Problem With Nursing HomesCare homes are coming under pressure for delivering inadequate care. Every week, more news stories of lawsuits against nursing and residential homes are arising. These involve some very concerning cases.A recent report on an Idaho care home highlights how poorly run these homes can be. Residents were neglected and left to sit in their own urine and feces. Many residents were malnourished and found to be at risk of serious harm or death.It’s far from the first report of this kind. All sorts of shocking stories of neglectful nursing homes have emerged up and down the country. Many of these care homes are under pressure to improve fast or get shut down.For a long time, many nursing homes got away with wrongdoing. Problems used to be kept secret by arbitration agreements representatives of patients had to sign. New rules have been imposed to bring the problems to light. Homes have also been put under pressure to give adequate training and staff homes properly.But with many cases where vulnerable people are at serious risk, it may be too late to improve. Many individuals and families have already been affected. The problem is, with residential care homes failing to do their job, what will happen to seniors needing care?The AlternativesMany people with elderly relatives who need daily support find it hard to trust nursing homes. One option many people turn to is to move their relatives in with them. Although this can help to keep an eye on them, it can often be difficult for those with busy family and working lives.A lot of families opt instead for in-home senior care. It’s easy to find a senior home care provider who can look after your elderly parent or relative. The benefit of this is seniors can still live at home while getting the support they need. An individual’s home care provider will commit to looking after them daily, as opposed to a host of patients simultaneously. This way families don’t have to worry about their loved ones getting neglected. Care plans are suited to the individual.Are Nursing Homes On Their Way Out?Nursing homes are facing more pressure from legal and governmental institutions. It seems they’re becoming a less viable option. Many states are trying to improve their services. For example, Maryland aims to bring nursing homes into a Medicare cost control program to better manage their services.If you do plan to put a loved one in a care home, make sure you visit it for yourself and check reviews. However, with options like in-home care or caring for them yourself, many people many decide against care homes.Image Source

Care Homes Are Failing – Who Should Look After Your Loved Ones?

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