A Guide To Becoming The Most Productive Person At Work

January 13, 2024
3 mins read

A Guide To Becoming The Most Productive Person At Work

By Careers Desk

Saturday, January 7, 2017.

If you want to get great feedback and maybe even a promotion at work, the only thing for it, is to become as productive as possible. The more you get done, the more chance you have of making an impact and climbing up the ladder. The following ideas will help you to become the most productive person at work:

Have A Great Morning Routine

If you have a great morning routine, you’ll show up to work feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. Don’t be like most people, who only get out of bed when they absolutely have to, rush around and get to work feeling stressed. If you get up with plenty of time, have a coffee and some breakfast, maybe even meditate, you’re going to get your day off to a great start. The rest of the day should follow suit! All of the most productive, successful people have routines that they stick to for the best results.

Figure Out When You’re The Most Productive

Everybody is most productive at different times. Many are most productive in the afternoon, but it could be different for you. Make a note of when you are the most productive, and make an effort to save the hardest, most grueling tasks for this time if you can.

Don’t Put Things Off

If you put difficult tasks off, you’re well on your way to procrastinating too long and not getting them done at all. It’s easy to busy yourself and almost convince yourself that you are being productive. If you can, just start tasks and keep plugging away at them. Eventually, you’ll beat procrastination and get so much done!


Dress Appropriately

Dressing for work can be tricky. Sometimes you can wear what you like, other times, you have to wear a uniform. It totally depends on where you work and what you do. Taking pride in your appearance can actually change your entire attitude and how you act. If you dress in casual clothes, you’re not going to feel as productive as you would in something more formal. If you have to wear leather boots, it could be a good idea to look at how to waterproof leather boots to make them look good and last as long as possible. Take care of the clothes you wear and you’ll feel even better. Whatever you have to wear, make sure you feel good about yourself each day and you’ll be far more productive!

Get Fit

Making an effort to get fit can have such an impact on your working life. You’ll likely have so much more energy to go about your working day and complete tasks! Not to mention, your confidence and self-esteem will sky rocket, which can also have an amazing impact on your working life. You’ll feel incredible both inside and outside of work.

Make The Most Of Your Commute

If you have to commute to work like most do, make the most of it. You can use this time to read self development books, or even listen to them. You can find podcasts, vlogs, and all kinds of other resources that can make your commute time so much more worthwhile.

Stop Multitasking

Multitasking might make you feel like you’re getting more done, but in reality, you’re slowing yourself down. If you can, focus on one task at a time. You should get more done this way. One of the most important things you can do is stay away from your emails until a specified time. They can really distract you and slow you down if you aren’t careful. Consider checking them in the afternoon, if the most productive time for you is the morning. Get a little work done before you check them and you should start the day off right.  

Have A Break

Taking a break from work is important too. Make sure you take a good lunch break, and get away from your work so you can come back to it with a fresh head. You might think you’ll get more done if you sit doing work and eating lunch at the same time, but this is rarely the case. Get a little fresh air if you can. You’ll feel so much better and be more productive after a short break. Bear in mind that it’s better to take a series of shorter breaks from work, than it is to take one long break.

Start using these tips right away and you should find you quickly become one of, if not the, most productive person at work. If you have suggestions of your own, leave them below!

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