Find Your Power In Connectivity

January 13, 2024
3 mins read

Find Your Power In ConnectivityBy Features DeskWednesday, February 28, 2017.With Trump in the White House, and modern slavery on the rise, it can often seem as though hatred is top of the agenda.Instead of learning from the mistakes of our past, we’re repeating them with frightening familiarity. It’s no wonder that we’re finding it hard to see the bright side right now. The good news is, we have something people in the past didn’t have. If you look at any dystopian fiction, the main problems come from an inability to communicate. While much of our lives feels like a dystopian at the moment, the one thing we have is communication. Thanks to the internet, we’re more connected than ever. You only have to turn to the pages of social media to see that things aren’t as bad as they seem. There’s no denying that there’s a lot of hatred. But, there are also people determined to use the internet as their voice. Change has never been so possible as it is now. All we need to do is get past the hatred and use the outlets we have to instigate positive change. All you need is a little know-how, and an audience willing to learn.If you’ve only used social media to connect with friends before, you may not be sure how to use it for change. The main thing to bear in mind is that you want as large an audience as possible. The more people who hear your message, the more of an impact it will have. So, start by building that audience. No one is going to listen to what you have to say if your page doesn’t look professional, so work on that to start with. Do a little research into how to make your page look its best. Click here to get some ideas of what you could do. Create a strong brand and work out what it is you want to say. You may have opinions on a variety of subjects, but it’s best to stick with one. That way, your audience will know what you have to offer. Whether you choose class inequality, racial tensions, or something else, make your message clear. Work on building your brand. Think about a memorable username that’s easy to find. Think, too, about developing a color scheme and logo that will stick in people’s minds. Again, this will add to professionalism. It’ll also ensure your page makes an impact. Many people are trying to get their voices heard. Your brand is what will make you stand apart from the crowd. Make sure, too, to stick to the facts. Yes, your quest is to get your message heard. But, no one’s going to listen if you’re spouting ill-educated opinions. Sticking to the facts will give your opinions credence, and will make sure you’re taken seriously. Back your points with statistics. Do your research on every opinion you want to share. Then, share it in the most efficient way possible. And remember, this is your chance for change!

Find Your Power In Connectivity

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