Recent Medical Advances That Could Blow Your Mind

January 13, 2024
3 mins read

Recent Medical Advances That Could Blow Your MindBy Features DeskSaturday, April 8, 2017.Medical research is always expanding and becoming broader. Nowadays, more products and diseases are being researched everywhere. Most countries invest huge sums of money into this type of work. And, it’s great. It means that future generations will have the resources to heal and fight diseases like humans never have before. Of course, some developments occur so quickly that they could even be impactful within your lifetime. Recently, some of the developments that have been found are truly mind-blowing. And, here are just a few of them.Biology is a challenging subject. A lot of people don’t understand the ins and outs of the way that plants and animals work. But, somehow, a very clever team of scientists from a Polytechnic in Worcester have discovered a way to grow human tissue on spinach leaves. Their main idea is to use the veins that already exist within the leaves to carry blood to the tissue and remove it again. The applications for this sort of research are staggering. It may enable heart transplants to be conducted in the future; without the fear of rejection from the donor. And, repairs may be able to be done on your existing heart. This sort of discovery is definitely one to be excited about.A recent study by Cancer Research UK has shown that e-cigarettes could be just as safe as other nicotine replacements. Their most recent research was conducted using a large pool of people who had been using e-cigarettes for an average of 17 months. With these subjects, they tested their urine and saliva samples for traces of over twenty chemicals that are known to be in cigarettes. Along with these subjects, groups of people who have been smoking and using nicotine replacement were also tested. And, the results have shown that vaping is much closer to traditional replacements that previously thought. This sort of development is great. But, it’s still wise to be careful. Some e-liquids contain harmful chemicals that can make you sick. Finding the best e-liquids is just a matter of research, though. You just have to learn which chemicals are good.A lot of companies have been interested in the idea of using DNA as a platform for storage, for a long time. For this reason, the area is being heavily researched. And, a breakthrough has been made recently. Scientists have been able to store and recover several large files within DNA; by programming the data into the code that the DNA already knows. When they wanted the data back, it was simply sequenced back into code that a computer can read. Using bio-technology like this could be a great thing. Just four grams of the DNA used for this research would be enough to store the data created by all of humanity over a one-year span. Hopefully, this will give you an idea of the lengths that scientists are reaching with their work, in modern times. It’s mind-boggling that people can have the skills and knowledge to pull off this sort of research. And, it’s great to see people working towards a brighter future.(Image Source)

Recent Medical Advances That Could Blow Your Mind

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