January 13, 2024
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4 Signs Your Website Is Letting Your Business Down

By Features Desk

Monday. August 7, 2017.

T oday’s entrepreneur is cognizant of the necessities of a website. By no means is it the be all and end all of an online presence, but it’s still a necessary cornerstone, and if you don’t have one you’re driving legions of potential leads into the arms of your competitors.

Your website should be your digital handshake that sets out your stall for todays leads to ensure that they become tomorrow’s customers. It should be as unique and engaging as you are and give customers a flavor for what your business does, its values and its goals as a brand.

The cardinal sin that’s even worse than not having a website is having a website that doesn’t work. A plumber, electrician or contractor wouldn’t spend money on bad tools and neither should you. If you see any of these 5 signs then your website desperately needs some renovations. A great guide to building a business website can be found here that presents numerous solutions to all of these problems.

Image by Flickr

Your website doesn’t reflect your branding

Your brand is everything . It’s what sets you apart from your competitors. It’s what allowed McDonald’s to go from a hotdog stand on Route 66 to the world’s most widely recognized fast food brand. As a business grows and develops, your brand will likely go through numerous permutations. This is perfectly natural, just make sure that this is reflected in your online presence or risk creating cognitive dissonance for potential customers. If the color scheme, logo and slogan on your website are discordant with those on your physical premises then it may compromise your brand.

You aren’t posting regular content

Even a beautifully designed website is wasting its potential if users aren’t incentivized to engage with it regularly. Your website isn’t just an opportunity to announce your presence to the world, it’s an invaluable way for you to share the skills, knowledge and experience that are unique to you and make you stand apart from your competitors. Content marketing strategies like blogs, white papers, email shots, videos, promotions and competitions are all wonderful ways to draw potential leads to your brand.

You’re not sure what you website is actually for

A website is a tremendously useful and multifaceted tool but only if used strategically with clarity of intention. Do you want to use the website as a promotional tool? Do you want to use it for customers to make online purchases? Do you want to use it to keep users abreast of the growth of your business. Any and all of these could be applicable to you, the key is to have a clearly defined purpose and goal. Just as a bow is virtually useless without an arrow, a website is best deployed as part of an overall marketing strategy.

Image by Pixabay

Your mobile optimization is poor or non-existent

Creating content and sharing it on social media are both a must, but if you do this, it’s likely that it will be predominantly viewed on mobile devices . Poor mobile optimization is the surest way to watch your engagement rates take a nosedive. Whatever platform you use, make sure that it offers quality mobile optimization for your text, images and embeds.

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