Black Women in Resistance: Two Poems by Lamont Lilly
With thanks to NewBlacKManinExile
Saturday, August 22, 2020.
assata: general shakur
they would like us
to forget
the likes of her sacrifices
one dark woman
in plaid shadows
called afro-freedom
fighting yelling teaching
staying alive
on the frontline
imprisoned exiled wounded
still living
loving her people
from the outer edges
etched within our hearts
tucked safely
within our minds
one dark woman
in plaid shadows
called afro-freedom
clawing scratching scraping
staying alive
on the frontline
wow what a warrior
wow what a woman
what a wonderful general
she’s been
the hunted
[In honor of Korryn Gaines]
you’re in the house
with your three children
dinner and homework
minutes later
u.s. marshalls
come running in
with assault rifles
teargas and bulletproof vest
i think it’s best
at that point
that you freeze my sister
put your rifle
and the kids down
so you can be around
those little ones
need you alive sis
so you can be around
and the people?
we need you strong my sister
healthy alive
so you can lead
the troops
Lamont Lilly is an independent journalist, Black radical activist, poet and community organizer based in Durham, North Carolina. In 2016, he was the Workers World Party U.S. vice-presidential candidate. Follow him on Twitter @LamontLilly